Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Replied To

T.M. Camp is an unpublished author who has sent in his (amazing) stories numerous times. How did I read it, you ask? Did I read it on the internet, or a blog of some sort? NOPE! Even better! He has taken the higher road and made his two novel's, "Matters of Mortology", and "Assam and Darjeeling", into podcast style audiobooks for free on the itunes store. On the podcasts, he tells you where you can talk to him, at the ever so not obvious [link] . From there you can send him a message and give him your email so that he will email you back.(I think) he's still trying to get his two books published, and I told him that if there was anything I could do to help, I would. I also told him that if he wanted to simply self publish, to sign me up for a copy of the books. His stories are what he would like to call the "Weird" genre. One of his main role models is (no suprise here) Neil Gaiman. You can really tell too. His style is reminiscent of Mr. G's. My Dad told him (T.M.Camp) in a message (my dad's the one who introduced me to the author) that his style was noticably comparablel to several authors, including Gaiman's and T.M. Camp replied with "You have made my week by simply telling me that, thank you so much.")

Long Paragraph.

Anyway, I got a reply today from him. I was so happy to receive something back! Here's what he had to say:

"Thanks very much for listening and for the kind words. It really mademy day to hear from you and I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Hopeit holds up for you.

Thanks again for taking the time to write.

I'll certainly keep youposted on the publishing effort. Here's hoping it's soon.

All the best,

T.M. Camp"

It was so great to hear from another author, especially someone well on their way, unlike me.

Graveyard book comes out in one week and six days and I couldn't be counting down the days more fervently.

Speakings of Mr. Gaiman, I recently stumbled across Neverwear, a site featuring Neil Gaiman clothes. Quite odd, but I want some of those t-shirts terribly. http://www.neverwear.net/store/ There's a link to the place.

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