Monday, September 1, 2008

Fair is Foul...

...and foul is fair. Hover through the fog and filthy air.

That's right. Macbeth would be the title of the school play this year and my luck faultered. Not luck, but rather my brain. Talent. Confidence, etc.

I tried out for the part of a witch, I didn't make it in, but that's alright because I saw the people that DID make it and they're awesome! I think I'll see it a few times just because it's going to be VERY fun to watch how our fantastic drama teacher decides to do this. The witches are going to not be witches. But more of ambiguous weird sisters.

Alright. I'll admit it. I'm jealous, and a little upset, but it'll be alright. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a bummer that you didn't make it! There's always another try, right? There are those crazy good actors out there. I bet you'll enjoy watching the play. I would be jealous!